Ok, so i signed up to help with the
Twisted series tour in July. The author sent me a copy of the first three books to read. To be perfectly honest i didn't even read the synopsis i chose to do this review based on the covers alone haha. I usually do pick a book by the cover and then read the synopsis and make a decision from there,
but not this time. As an added bonus i get to release one of five secret deleted scenes on my blog woo hoo.
So i started book one - Survival last night. It grabbed my from the first page and had me nearly in tears and holding my breath a few chapters in. I had to finally put the book down at midnight because of this thing called motherhood but i got half way through and am so loving it.
I won't give anything away and i really don't know where the story is going (a curse of not reading the synopsis) but there is a lot going on in this book and i am not sure it will end the way i want it too. All i can say i'm on team Curtis so fingers crossed there.
Stay tuned for more on this series over the next few weeks as i power through the first three books in the series and feel free to follow the author through these hashtags.
#TimeToGetTwisted #LetsGetTwisted #SkyeTheSkillet #CutThroatCurtis #TheTwistedSeries
Ok so I ended up whizzing through book one. My full review is on Amazon but basically Skye's life was a rollercoaster ride. So much crap happening to one person just doesn't seem right and when good things did finally come her way that all went to hell too. There is a real twist at the end that left me speechless. I quickly pulled up book 2 revival so continue reading. I just had to know if the ending meant what I was hoping it meant, however here is another twist. Book 2 Revival actually goes back to the start but from Curtis' point of view. If I thought Skye had to deal with a lot of crap that was nothing compared to Curtis and his life. Curtis loses his parents young, is bullied, has an awful uncle and struggles at school. His only light is his Aunt who really loves him. She introduces him to boxing which helps him get his life on track, for a while at least. Enter Oliver and then Skye and from there it takes a turn for the worse. Curtis also tells us he knows a secret Oliver told him but he doesn't tell us what it is. This is frustrating in a good way. You are on edge for most of the book hopinv Curtis can sort himself out and find the happiness he deserves and also solve this mystery. The book has another twist at the end that I did not see coming. Now I' in the same boat as I was at the end of book 1. I just need to read on but I am so emotionally worn out from reading survival and revival I need a night to recover.
Grab this series people.
Ok so it took me a few days to recover, because i knew as soon as i picked up the book i wouldn't be able to put it down until it was done. So after a few days off of reading i couldn't wait any longer and just had to know what was going to happen and i was not let down. In book 3 Curtis and Skye reconnect. Now it's not pretty and normal, it's a dark and semi violent relationship but i didn't care. I had just wanted them back together so badly i didn't really mind what format that was.
The two of them took on Oliver's secret and uncovered some extremely startling things. I have to say i was speechless and towards the end i was like "What the". I could not have even guessed that those things were going on.
Skye also had to deal with Curtis' ex/boss. I loved how nice Skye turned into kick ass Skye to protect Curtis. Things certainly were not easy for these two but they endured all of the crap that was thrown their way and kind of came out on top.
I can not wait to read more, bring it on.
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