Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Deviant And Redemption Jaimie Roberts sooooooo gooooood

Deviant (Deviant, #1)


Ok, so i was having a conversation with my book writing friends, talking about what genres we might like to tackle that would stretch us. My friends said she would like to write a stalker book and i couldn't help but cringe. Yuck! What could be hot or romantic about a stalker?
When this book came up as a book i could review my first thought was no thanks but i didn't delete it. I even went to Amazon to see what other reviews were saying about it. After a day or two i thought, what the heck let me give this book a go, try something different. I am so glad i did.

So let me tell you why i liked this book. It is supposed to be this dark romance about a stalker. It was about that but so much more. The main characters Tyler and Dean met in primary school and had a connection from the start. The book pops back and forth to their memories of their friendship as they grew up from innocent kids to not so innocent teenagers. It was really nice to see their relationship bloom like that.

Flash forward to now and Tyler is being visited by a stalker and has been for three years. She doesn't feel threatened at all which helps ease the reader's  mind but what also helps is that we are aware it's Dean doing it, so for some reason it doesn't come across quite as creepy.

There is also a story going on apart from the stalking where Tyler meets a young sick boy named Jeremy. She tries to help him and it becomes a really emotional part of the book. It was a nice break from the stalking plot, it also showed Tyler as a caring person. If i could change one thing in the book it would be how this part ended, but i won't give that away.

If you like to read a book with twists then this is the book for you. There were a few twists that you could see coming or maybe guess at but when i got to the end of the book i couldn't speak. I have to spend another half hour going back to other part of the book to look at clues the author had set up and couldn't believe it. (Not to give anything way but a few more things are explained in book 2). There were things happen that i couldn't have picked ever. I've read my fair share of books (maybe more than my share haha) but i have never had a book leave me so out of sorts with the twists and ending.

So Dean/Lotus wanted to get revenge on Tyler for something he thought she had done in childhood. What i loved though was every time he tried to do something to hurt her it usually backfired and made him fall for her more, making him weaker to her. It was like he was the stalker but she held a lot of the power. Be warned, he does hurt her, not so much physically, but emotionally, but again his revenge bites him on the butt as it ends up hurting and breaking him as much as it does her. I think that makes him redeemable. He isn't heartless, just hurt from the past.

I can't believe i'm so passionate about this sort of book,  but it was less dark and more romantic than i imagined it could be.

I am part way through book 2 and i am really rooting for this couple.

Find the Author on facebook

Book 2

Wow, what can i say, this was a great way to finish of the series. Redemption was more of an emotional roller coaster, compared to Deviant, which had been more about twist and turns and mind games.
Redemption picks up four years later with Tyler moving and changing her name in an effort to get away from Dean, but let's face it, that's never going to be enough to stop Dean.
Dean manages to work his way back into Tyler's life but there are still some hurdles they need to overcome and there is the odd twist in this book just to keep it interesting.

Dean's friend Jimmy, and Tyler's friend Tara are an interesting side story that you can't help but love. They make a great couple, both been hurt but are finally willing to give love a go, with each other.

This book is nowhere near as Dark as Deviant, it is all about Dean trying to make amends for his past mistakes, and whether or not Tyler can move on from all the pain her caused her. We know she can't resist but she has to work a bit harder to forgive him.

I love that we get both points of view in these books because you can really get a sense of Dean's pain and how badly he feels for hurting Tyler. I'm not sure the book would have been as enjoyable from only Tyler's point of view.

You won't be disappointed with the finish. I was scared that the author wouldn't give me the HEA i was hoping for but all ended well. I look forward to reading more from Jaimie Roberts.

Keep posted for a special post about these two books on the 20th May, and i'm taking part in the Blog Tour for Deviant and Redemption and will be posting on the 27th May.

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